We have bought a PC (AMD K7 Athlon with Hewlett-Packard CD recorder) to act as a server allowing people to copy their data on this server and record their CDs. We also want to attach our fax to this server and "use it as a printer" from other PCs in the net.
Should I, Instal Windows 9x (easy to install and the software for the HP recorder will probably work under Windows) or Install Debian with samba, mgetty-fax and cdrecord. (I have never configured none of this applications.) ? If I install Debian everything should work fine, otherwise my colleagues will "ask" me to install Windows. -- ######################################## .'/,-Y" "~-. Vicente Torres Carot l.Y ^. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia /\ __ "Doh!" Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica i ___/" "\ Ctra. Nazaret-Oliva, s/n | /" "\ o ! 46730 Grau de Gandia (Valencia) l ] o !__./ SPAIN \ _ _ \.___./ "~\ X \/ \ ___./ Tel.: (96)2849300 ( \ ___. _..--~~" ~`-. FAX: (96)2849309 ` Z,-- / \ __. ( / ______) "I don't apologize. I'm sorry, but that's \ l /-----~~" / just the way I am." -- Homer Simpson -- Y \ / ############################################## | "x______.^ -- Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please! --