> On 27 Mar 2000, at 11:15, Bill Caskey wrote:
> > 1.  I'm running on a laptop with a 1.3 Gb hard drive and I want the system
> > as lean as possible. By compiling, I can optimize for a pentium and 
> > eliminate
> > the debug/exceptions code. Smaller footprint.
> Are you recompiling your entire Debian system, or just kde? Or might kde be
> your first step in recompiling? Are you recompiling from *.deb source packages
> and then recreating the deb binaries?
> Reason I ask: although I've just bought a new laptop, with lots of hard drive
> space, I have wondered how the Debian binaries are compiled in general -- for
> some lowest common denominator of CPU (386? 486?), whereas gcc could possibly
> do much better with the right switches for the Pentiums (I,II,III).
> Problem is that the thought of recompiling *everything* is a big daunting,
> nevermind time consuming. However, for laptops, it should be worth it. And
> there's something inside me which says, "why aren't you taking full advantage
> of your hardware...?"
> Kirk
> ----
> Kirk Lowery
> --
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Think Debian is compiled for 486

Word on the street is compiling for 586/686 doesn't make that much of a 

As you point out, it's a daunting task.  If the above statement is accurate, a
pointless one too.


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