On 27 Mar 2000, at 11:15, Bill Caskey wrote:

> 1.  I'm running on a laptop with a 1.3 Gb hard drive and I want the system
> as lean as possible. By compiling, I can optimize for a pentium and eliminate
> the debug/exceptions code. Smaller footprint.

Are you recompiling your entire Debian system, or just kde? Or might kde be 
your first step in recompiling? Are you recompiling from *.deb source packages 
and then recreating the deb binaries?

Reason I ask: although I've just bought a new laptop, with lots of hard drive 
space, I have wondered how the Debian binaries are compiled in general -- for 
some lowest common denominator of CPU (386? 486?), whereas gcc could possibly 
do much better with the right switches for the Pentiums (I,II,III).

Problem is that the thought of recompiling *everything* is a big daunting, 
nevermind time consuming. However, for laptops, it should be worth it. And 
there's something inside me which says, "why aren't you taking full advantage 
of your hardware...?"

Kirk Lowery

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