On Thu, 2 Mar 2000, Chirag wrote: mannan >Yes In XFree86_FBDev no modeswitching is possible without rebooting the mannan >system since the calls to VIDEO BIOS does not support protected mode mannan >inteface mannan >for mode swtiching. The mode is decided at boot time by the kernel, but mannan >this mannan >is only true for VESA frame buffer devices
ok, then the problem is that.. to run 'full screen' you have to run your X in 320x240..(ugh) ..i suggest a new video card at this point i have used many of those onboard SIS530(and other similar boards) and were very dissapointed. 3dfx, and nvidia (TNT, riva etc) are quite cheap these days(as low as say $40) it would be worth it to invest in a new card. mannan >Why is it that I can't size the display window? if you mean why can't you have the video color the full screen its because the system cannot change modelines. mannan > Although the player is good It still has lot grounds to cover. The media player mannan >software which I got along with the card has many controls like slow,search ,step backward mannan >step foward etc that is least important to me, what i'd like is hardware accelerated/assisted playback, as it is a full screen videocd runs (slightly) slower on my dual celeron 466 with 256MB ram then my older p200mmx 64MB did .. hardware accel/assist is comming soon though, ATI released a developers kit to provide this on their cards..others will follow i hope. mannan > What do you think about its capability on your SMP system? On my 400 MHz mannan > k6-2 32 MB mannan >machine, the top utility shows about 50% of cpu usage. doing full screen it can easily take 120-130% of the cpu (100% of cpu1 20-30% of cpu2) but it depends what else is going on. this is not the fault of Mpegtv though it's the lack of hardware assist driver level support. mannan > By the way despite SiS being an American Company why is it that SiS mannan >cards mannan >are not popular in USA? In India the SiS cards does have a very good market mannan >for mannan >entry level systems. SIS's main website i believe is in taiwan you sure they are an american company? i never checked where they are from. they are indeed very popular here among low end systems(Say $300 and less) but for any real work a dedicated videocard is needed. we work with a company that uses those SIS530 boards in almost all their stuff, the boards with onboard everything run about $60. i really don't like em. mannan > What is the difference between .dat(VCD) files and MPEG(1,2) files. mannan >Aren't the mannan >.dat files using the MPEG compression? in terms of compression they are exactly the same, however VCD is not stored in an iso9660 file system(standard cdrom) but stored in another format(code named whitebook or greenbook, i forgot what the official name is) whitebook has been the standard for a few years, and its about all that is available now. greebook vcds are very unsupported, the only way i could get one working was by using dos mode mscdex and win3.1.. win9x, NT, linux do not support greenbook. mannan >> 7:06am up 194 days, 19:30, 2 users, load average: 1.02, 1.05, 1.13 mannan > mannan > 194 days of running without rebooting ?!! CONGRATULATIONS !! mannan > I have read somewhere in the docs that a 0.99 kernel machine had a mannan >record of mannan >600 days of continuous service. Is it still the highest? yep 194 days :) my record. as for a world record there is a site out there that keeps track of many system's uptimes.. at one time there was a linux box that had about 700-800 days and some flavor of BSD that had about 1400 days..i forgot the name of the site tho.. there were quite a few NT and netware machines i dont think any of them were even near 150 days. i remember reading an article about a company in israel(.il i can never spell it)..they had some form of unix there, the machine was going for 3 years, the older admin had moved on, and it came time for a memory upgrade, they upgraded the machine, but it no longer booted, turns out the startup scripts were not up-to-date and it took em a couple days to fix it..doh! funny how rebooting a win* box solves most problems and rebooting a *nix box causes more :) wonder why that is. nate ----------------------------------------[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]-- Vice President Network Operations http://www.firetrail.com/ Firetrail Internet Services Limited http://www.aphroland.org/ Everett, WA 425-348-7336 http://www.linuxpowered.net/ Powered By: http://comedy.aphroland.org/ Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP http://yahoo.aphroland.org/ -----------------------------------------[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]-- 10:49am up 194 days, 23:13, 2 users, load average: 1.01, 1.03, 1.00