On Wed, 1 Mar 2000, Chirag wrote:

mannan >    Thanks, but I am not able to get te fullscreen mode. When I switch 
mannan >on, the player
mannan >takes the entire screen, but the movie itself is limited to the central 
mannan >of the screen
mannan >and is actually smaller than in the normal mode. The Readme file says

that is normal when you do not have a modeline low enough. what mpegtv
(and other fullscreen apps do) is get the closest resolution that is
possible(defined in XF86Config) for full screen mode. some games won't
even run if there isn't a 640x480 modeline.



for the message about my modelines, and the ones that work on my
monitor. they may NOT work on yours, but it may be worth a try.

mannan >requires
mannan >that an X server with DGA is required, What is this DGA? I am stuck 
with and
mannan >odd
mannan >card that does not properly get mode tuned with XFree86_SVGA. Since it
mannan >supports
mannan >VESA BIOS Extensioin 2.0 I am using Frame Buffer X Server XFree86_FBDev.
mannan >with the kernel frame buffer device turned on using 
mannan >kernel
mannan >param(Ref /usr/src/linux/Documetation/framebuffer.txt).
mannan >The problem with this is that it is unaccelerated. Still I am able to 
mannan >comparable
mannan >perfromance to playing in Windows.

chances are it won't run in full screen then, DGA is sorta like XF86's
version of DirectVideo(DirectX) it provides direct graphics access
bypassing the network layer of the X server(I believe). mpegtv uses
SDL to run fullscreen which inpart uses DGA.

mannan >Another utillity which makes other OSes to run on Linux, VMWare for 
mannan >also requires this DGA
mannan >stuff. It also warned me that full screen mode is not possible  since 
DGA is
mannan >not in the X Server.

what video chipset is on your videocard?

mannan >If you have any info on this DGA please let me know

it's good to have, but its not a very safe way to access the hardware, the
system can crash very easily while using DGA(DGA2 may help fix some of
this i dunno) but only the best XF86 drivers support it.  i dont find
fullscreen mode in vmware very useful unless i want to try to trick
someone into thinking im running another OS:/


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