> Because his name is Linus, pronounced Leenus. Hence Leenux. > If you pronounce his name as Lie-nus (as native English speakers > would tend to), then Lie-nucks is reasonable -- but wrong.
It is pronounced as Leenus in his native country (in many European languages, i's have ee sounds almost exclusively). The Peanuts character, Linus, is pronounced 'Line-us', though, so that's probably why I say "Line-ux". I'm pretty sure I read something by Linus where he mentioned the fact that name pronunciations do get translated over in other languages and he was perfectly fine with it. And as has been mentioned here before, it was originally Line-ux and only became Lynn-us because of the press. Personally I don't find this conversation annoying at all as long as people don't insist on a pronunciation when even the ones who grew up in the same city can't agree on how to say 'bagel'. : ) -- Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ:4982727 GigaBee Interactive http://www.gigabee.com Join AllAdvantage.com and get paid to surf the Web! http://www.alladvantage.com/go.asp?refid=ARD582