On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 11:33:42AM +0100, Nicos Gollan wrote:

> For some days now, I've been hearing repeated clicking sounds from
> my harddisk, especially during I/O operations. From the sound of it,
> it might be a seek to somewhere on the disk. 

Yes, probably if it's only happening during disk I/O.

> Could this be accesses to the journal (using ext3)?

Not necissarily.  Could be any data on your disk.  I can assure you
that ext3 does not cause the sound of hardware to change.

Unusual hard drive noises developing are a sign that your disk is
getting ready for a dirt nap.  *NOW* is the time to back up the
information you want to save, don't trust it to make it through the
grind of a full backup.  To prolong disk life until you get a new hard

* Type "shutdown now" to go to single user mode and just leave it at the
  root password prompt until you need to use that machine, then hit
  Control-D to cancel out of it.  The only two things running when
  it's at that prompt are init and rootlogin, so it won't be accessing
  the disk.  Try to keep disk access to an absolute minimum.

* If you have any power saving features enabled for your hard drive,
  turn them off now.  Spinning up again is a lot of wear on a hard
  disk, and if the disk is failing, it might not ever get moving again.

* On the same note, don't power down, reboot, or do anything that
  might even remotely cause the disk to stop turning.

 .''`.     Baloo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian admin and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than to fix a system

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