On 17 Nov, Pollywog wrote: > Did you read the UPGRADE file? There is a small addition you must make to > your licq.conf so that it will be compatible with newer versions; either that, > or just start with a fresh .licq/licq.conf It is a very small change that > you need to make, but without this change, Licq will not start. > > -- > Andrew > Yes, I did read the upgrade file. Either licq itself or the plug-in package must have been broken because after I went to Incoming and got the 0.7.1-2 packages everything works fine again.
I guess these two packages will be among todays upgrades on potato so others with this problem wil only have one icq free day. Thanks anyway! :) -- ---------------------------------------- Regards, Christian Dysthe E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://oddbird.dyndns.org/ ICQ 3945810 eFax/Voicemail: 1-208-248-9634 Powered by Debian GNU/Linux ---------------------------------------- "Clones are people two"