On 17-Nov-1999 Christian Dysthe wrote:
>> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
>> /dev/null
> I do have the libqt2 package installed, and licq 0.70.1a worked fine. I
> now tried to downgrade licq to 0.70.1a. I still get the same error! 
> I can't even run 0.70.1a that I have been running fine for a couple of
> weeks.

Did you read the UPGRADE file?  There is a small addition you must make to
your licq.conf so that it will be compatible with newer versions; either that,
or just start with a fresh .licq/licq.conf    It is a very small change that
you need to make, but without this change, Licq will not start.


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