On Thu, 10 Jun 1999, Mark Wagnon wrote:

> (I think that's it. I pulled these from my .config)

This looks good.  Don't ask me about MIDI stuff though, I seem to have
broken that since I last used drvmidi (probably with a 2.0 kernel.  No

> After installing the new kernel and rebooting I ran modprobe -a sound,
> that does nothing. Also there is no sound entry under /proc/devices. cat
> /dev/sndstat yields nothing also.

'-a'?  The man page doesn't mention what that option does except in the
context of the '-t' option.  Try doing an 'lsmod' to make sure the modules
are actually being loaded.  Right now I've got these sound modules loaded 
(with an mp3 player going):

Module                  Size  Used by
sb                     36500   1  (autoclean)
uart401                 6384   1  (autoclean) [sb]
sound                  63576   0  (autoclean) [sb uart401]
soundlow                 300   0  (autoclean) [sound]
soundcore               3204   6  (autoclean) [sb sound]

If nothing's being loaded, do a 'modprobe sb'.  If that doesn't do
anything, an error message will probably have been printed to

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