John Griffiths wrote:

Hello all,

I'm about to attempt a desktop linux trial in my office and need some advice on approaches to applicaiton portability.

There are windows apps that are not, at this time optional so one way or another I'll have to get them to go, or stay off the linux desktop.

the list of apps is:

Eudora 3.05 (horrid I know, but there you go)
Dreamweaver 4 (directX?)
Acrobat 4 (or maybe 5)

As others have mentioned:
Codeweaver's Crossover
native apps that aren't exactly the apps you've specified

In addition, I'll mention VMWare (or perhaps Bochs/plex86 if it's matured enough). VMWare is a commercial app (around $300-400, I believe) that emulates your physical hardware (i386 only). So you can be running Debian, and in a VMWare window, have an entire second (or third, or fourth, etc) PC. On each of those "PC"'s, you can install whatever OS you want, including a full-blown version of DOS or Win98 or WinXP or another copy of Debian or BeOS or RedHat, etc. Then, when Windows crashes, you just restart the OS within the VMWare window, while maintaining productivity outside the VMWare window in your forever-running Debian world. It takes some horsepower and RAM (128MB absolute minimum; 512 much better), and still runs a bit slow, but it's a great solution if you've got the up-front cash for the VMWare license. Unless they've changed their practice, they've got a time-limited demo available on their website (, I think).


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