On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 22:53, John Griffiths wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm about to attempt a desktop linux trial in my office and 
> need some advice on approaches to applicaiton portability.
Congrats! :)

> There are windows apps that are not, at this time optional 
> so one way or another I'll have to get them to go, or stay off 
> the linux desktop.
> the list of apps is:
> Eudora 3.05  (horrid I know, but there you go)
I don't know of a Linux version of Eudora, but there are a number of
good replacements. If it absolutely, positively, must be Eudora, try

> Dreamweaver 4 (directX?)
Same as Eudora.

> Acrobat 4 (or maybe 5)
Acrobat Reader is available directly from Adobe in a native Linux
version. I don't know whether there is a linux version of full-blown
Acrobat however. There are a number of pdf authoring tools available for
Linux, though they are not the Acrobat brand.

> I'd prefer to do it under debian but other options will be 
> evaluated if need be.
> Willing to pay for software if needed, and we have windows 
> licences avaiable also if needed.
> having made the jump legacy windows apps will hopefully be 
> retired over time, but without making the leap we keep 
> picking up windows junk.

Hope this helps. :)


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