>> 3) I tried to create some scripts, very simple ones, but they refuse to >> run, or the system says "command not found." Example: [...] >> Saved as "telltime," then mode changed with chmod -v u+x telltime. With cat >> I can still see the contents of the file as plain text. Is this normal? >> As said, when executing "telltime" the system returns "command not found."
Are you executing this as root? If so, root only runs programs in its' path -- you'd have to do something like a "./telltime" if that were the case. Yes, you should be able to cat the file as a plain text file (that's what it is). Try doing a "chmod +x telltime" to give everyone executable access and see if that works. -- Regards, | Debian GNU/Linux - http://www.debian.org - More software than . | *any* distribution, rock solid reliability, quality control, Randy | seamless upgrades via ftp or CD-ROM, strict filesystem layout | and adherence to standards, and militantly 100% FREE Linux!