Hans van den Boogert wrote:
  >1) What is an easy way to go to the previous directory, e.g. I am in
  >/usr/bin and want to go to /usr?

To go to the parent directory:
cd ..

To go to the directory you were in last:
cd ~-

  >2) With the base system installed I can't open man pages, that is, when
  >typing "man ls" for example, the system returns with "command not found."
  >In /bin and /sbin I also can't see any man-binary. There are man pages
  >stored, but in .gz format. Is it normal that the man command is not
  >installed? How to open/read .gz files.

man is not part of the base system, which has to fit on a few floppies;
install man-db

  >3) I tried to create some scripts, very simple ones, but they refuse to
  >run, or the system says "command not found." Example:
  >#! /bin/bash
  >echo The time and date is..
  >Saved as "telltime," then mode changed with chmod -v u+x telltime. With cat
  >I can still see the contents of the file as plain text. Is this normal?
  >As said, when executing "telltime" the system returns "command not found."
  >I know that you have to watch the path, but even when I put this script in
  >/ or /bin it still won't run, while installed commands like "date" do run
  >from almost every directory. What do I do wrong?

On the face of it you are doing the right thing, and it ought to run from
/bin, if your path is normal.  To see what your path is, type `echo $PATH'.
The normal place to put home-grown commands is /usr/local/bin, or ~/bin (~/
is your own home directory).  These directories should be in your path.
The command `type' will tell you where the system thinks a command is:

$ type telltime
telltime is hashed (./telltime)
$ type ar
ar is /usr/bin/ar

Sometimes you may find that the system is looking at a file you weren't 

  >4) Any hints to where to find some in dept Debian specific FAQs? I know
  >there is a lot around, and believe me I've been reading, but most
  >tutorials/FAQs assume that the system is running smoothly and hardly deal
  >with problem solving.

You want the Debian Tutorial: links from documentation on www.debian.org

Oliver Elphick                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Isle of Wight                              http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver
               PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
     "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not 
      of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, 
      lest any man should boast."   Ephesians 2:8,9 

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