On Tue, 30 Mar 1999, Shawn Nguyen wrote:

> I am using an S3 graphics card.  I guess I'm out of luck huh?  Thanks for 
> the info though even though I find it kind of strange that that would be 
> the case.  I guess I should do some research to see if there's any kind of 
> fix for this problem.
No you are not out of luck. There are two things you can do. Both of them

1. Use the SVGA drivers instead of the S3 drivers for X11.

2. (The simplest) Define a variable in your start-up files eg. .tcshrc of

setenv  SAL_DO_NOT_USE_INVERT50 true


export SAL_DO_NOT_USE_INVERT50=true

and everything will be fine. How do I know, because they mentioned this
some where in their installation documentation and I too have an S3 Virge
You will love this Star Office its faster and better than 4.0 and now I
feel like I want to buy a copy. With 4.0 I felt like it was so useless I
was glad I did not cough up some money for it, but I am going to buy the
Windows version just so I can get my hand on their manuals.

Daniel J. Mashao                
Electrical Engineering                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Cape Town                     http://www.ee.uct.ac.za/~daniel 
Rondebosch, 7700, S. Africa         (w) 27+21+650 2816  (h) 27+21+705 8469

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