Shao Zhang wrote:
> Hi,
>     I know that I should not fight the layout against latex. But I
> really like to do the following in latex for my resume.
> I tried to use the tabular environment and not very pleased with the
> outcome...
>     I want to do something like this in latex:
> University Courses:
>                         First Year
>                         -        Computing 1A(Functional Programming)
>                         -        Computing 1B(Procefure Programming)
>                         -        Higher Mathematics 1A
>                         -        ....
> Work Experence:
>                         -        Programmer
> at................................................
>                         -        Administrator
> at.........................................
>                         -        help desk at the university of
>                                   New South Walesl................
>                                    and ..............
> I use the following code in latex to produce the about format:
> \begine{supertabular}{ll}
>         University Courses: \\
>                             &First Year \\
>                             &-\hspace{0.5cm} Computing 1A \\
>                             ......
>         Work Experence: \\
>                             &-\hspace{0.5cm} Programmer at...... \\
> I cannot use the tabular with {lll} because I actually want the second
> and the third column overlap. Also, with the above code, latex does not
> automatically break the line for me.... it writes everything in one
> line....

  I didn't really figure out what you intend to do, but I think that
\multicolumn (with {lll}) should solve your problem. Please e-mail me
an example for more details (I'm not subscribed to the list any more for
the moment).


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