Jonathan Guthrie wrote:
> > > I can't get xemacs-20 to suspend with
> > > CNTRL-Z on my computer so I either have to use multiple virtual terminals
> > > or do everything under X.

You didn't say what it is you need to do when you suspend XEmacs, so
this may not help...

Since you don't like multiple virtual terminals for some reason, have
you considered shell mode _within_ emacs? I assume xemacs has it the
same as emacs. Try M-x shell RET. You get a shell in an emacs buffer
that you can move around in, edit and re-execute commands, all data is
kept in the buffer until you delete the lines you don't want, etc. The
only things that don't work are programs that use the screen like
"more", but hey, who needs more within Emacs? dselect won't work, etc.


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