> This is a HUGE difference. The multiuser patch was great! 12M for 4.0 to
> 140M with 5.0. Does anyone know if there was a multiuser patch for SO5
> aswell? I like having a 12M user dir as opposed to a 140M dir.

   I haven't seen one.  But at home here I'm only running the personal version
and haven't toyed with the multiuser setup in 5.0.

   If you go to StarDivision's web site there is a link there somewhere to
tied into their support newsgroups (lots of them).  I'm sure someone in their
support groups would be able to answer this specifically.

 Regards,                | Microsoft -- innovative?  Don't make me laugh.
 .                       | 
 Randy                   | "Subversion is always our best tactic."
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | Microsoft Manager of Java Relations John Ludwig
 http://www.golgotha.net | (Quoted in Oct. 21, 1998 San Jose Mecury News)

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