[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Olafur Jens Sigurdsson) writes: > On 25. February 1999, Damir J. Naden wrote: > > > I've installed it simply following the setup provided by StarOffice (part of > > the download), following the instructions in their README. It worked > > flawlessly. > > I tried to install it some days ago and it frose my X. I havnt tried to > fiddle about with this but could it be that I run my X in to much color for > SO to handle it? I run it in 24bpp and my resolution is 1200 times ehh.. > 1000 or something like that, forgott what it is. Any suggestions on what to > do? I run Hamm btw.
StarOffice hangs on my laptop with only 256 colours, if at the same time I'm running Netscape that allocates its own colour registers. The work around is to use VNC to connect to a second X session running on the same laptop. In the second session I only run StarOffice. You may be able to do the same thing to control the screen resolution that StarOffice runs under. Cheers, -- Brett Wuth [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Box 1251-U, Pincher Creek, Alberta T0K 1W0, CANADA Tel:+1 403 627-2460 [EMAIL PROTECTED] has mine; Print=E4F8EDEECBE01AD2FA3D8B2D94B1A292 What is the meaning of life?! Yes.