If you want to completely override the default values, just copy the
default configuration file in full to the user's directory (as .fvwm95rc
or whatever it uses) and edit it to remove the "Read" statements (for
the hooks) and to change the menus to just the apps you want.


On Sat, Jan 09, 1999 at 04:15:38PM -0500, Matt Kopishke wrote:
> What's the simplest way to completly over ride the menus the are used by
> default under fvwm95, for certen users (probly using ~/.fvwm95 and
> hook files?).  I need a simple menu (to apps, Netscape & Wordperfect) for
> our xterinals, the default debian-menu is confusing, and give them access
> to too many Apps.
> Thanks, 
>               -Matt-

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