Debian 2.0/i386, smail

I'm seeing mail lossage here.

What happens is that messages to alias addresses--aliases which have
existed for months and which are perfectly fine and deliverable--are
bounced with ERR100 (unknown user).

Usually I get my mail through rsmtp and I haven't noticed this lossage
before. There are no cases of it in a week's worth of mail logs. Due to
a server outage I'm receiving mail directly by SMTP today. So far about
15 messages out of >500 have been bounced for no good reason. The
aliases concerned *are* valid. These very aliases *have* received mail
earlier and later on today. However, *some* messages are bounced with
"unknown user" for no discernable reason.

This is getting serious.

Has anybody observed anything similar?
Is there a newer smail package I should upgrade to?

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    100+ SF Book Reviews: <URL:>

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