        "Chris Evans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ugh, this is a horrid question to ask but I'll risk it.

I am happily moving all my heavy internet stuff to Debian (three 
machines: home, old office, new ISP hosted machine).  Very, very 
impressed with Debian.  

The trouble is that I can't ditch Windoze from my portable for some 
time yet nor do I have space on it for the doze things I need 
(mostly SAS & SPSS) and to put Debian on it too.  I'll get space 
some day but .....

.... 'til then I want some secure way to get into my Debian 
machines from that machine when I'm away from home.  Does 
anyone else face this?  Is there a free or cheap ssh or ssl-telnet for 
this horrid platform or are there other ways of ensuring confidential 
transfers and use of the debian machines?

TIA and seasonal greetings!


Chris Evans, R&D Consultant,
Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust

I have a debian box in my office on the same lan as my windowsNT 4.0
machine.  I can use the telnet program that comes with windows to log
into my debian machine.  It works ok, except that windows telnet does
a poor job of emulating a linux terminal so come control key sequences
won't work (IE: don't bother trying to run vi or emacs or even 'less'
sometimes!).  I suspect this could be fixed on one end or the other. 
Now if you are not on a hard wire between the machines some other
scheme is necessary.  Are we talking a dialup connection, or an
internet based one?  The dialup is easy, the windows dialup terminal
(forget the name) should work fine, just configure the mgetty on the
serial line at you linux box to look like a vt100 (probably is the
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