On Thu, Dec 17, 1998 at 03:23:40PM -0000, Chris Evans wrote:
> Ugh, this is a horrid question to ask but I'll risk it.
> I am happily moving all my heavy internet stuff to Debian (three 
> machines: home, old office, new ISP hosted machine).  Very, very 
> impressed with Debian.  
> The trouble is that I can't ditch Windoze from my portable for some 
> time yet nor do I have space on it for the doze things I need 
> (mostly SAS & SPSS) and to put Debian on it too.  I'll get space 
> some day but .....
> .... 'til then I want some secure way to get into my Debian 
> machines from that machine when I'm away from home.  Does 
> anyone else face this?  Is there a free or cheap ssh or ssl-telnet for 
> this horrid platform or are there other ways of ensuring confidential 
> transfers and use of the debian machines?


  Mike Schmitz     [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.bend-or.com/~mschmitz   
  Don't blame me - I voted libertarian!    http://www.lp.org/                 
  Use Debian Linux - the free Gnu/Linux    http://www.debian.org/    
         "If encryption is outlawed, only outlaws will have encryption" 

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