Fist you need to boot up under linux, then using your favorite text editor (I 
like vi) open up your 
/etc/lilo.conf file.

delete the line that says 'delay=<some number>'
replace it with the word 'prompt'

Then move to the end of the file, and add these lines:

other=/dev/hda<partition number>

If you're not sure which partition your W95 and Linux partions are on, switch 
to another terminal 
(Alt-F2), logon, and type: fdisk   Then at the prompt type the letter 'p' and 
enter. Your Windows95 
partition will be your other primary partition (it must have the number 1, 2, 
3, or 4.  Anything 
above number 4 is a logical drive that is living in an extended partition.)

Then you want to make the Linux partition bootable (which you can do either 
from Linux or 
Windows95) using fdisk.  If you use Linux's fdisk, be sure that you only have 
one partition 
marked as being active.


At 12/4/98 8:33:00 AM, you wrote:
>im a sort of *new* debian user (used it like 3 years on shells..
>installed it like 3 weeks ago). anyway heres my question:
>Right now im booting from a linux bootdisk which a) takes a few minutes
>and b) is a pain in th ass...
>Now i know if i use lilo linux will boot only but i also have a
>windows95 partition that i need to use for some stuff like games and
>junk that i cant do in linux.
>Is it possible that when i turn on my computer i get a 'BOOT:' prompt
>and i can type either: 'win' for windows or 'linux' for linux using
>Lilo? if i can.. can someone give me an example of there lilo.conf file
>thanx (sorry if this sounds confusing i didnt know how to write it any
>other way),
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