>> "RAI" == Raymond A Ingles <Raymond> writes:

RAI> I don't know if it's debianized, but theres "jsrd" (joy stick
RAI> reset demon) whith lets you use a joystick button to perform
RAI> arbitrary actions.  You can configure it to kill X on one
RAI> keypress and reboot on two presses, etc. Sorry, I don't have a
RAI> URL, but it should be on sunsite somewhere.

I tried such a thing a year before. Hopefully it got better by
now. Somehow, if the thing was running, I had problems with fileupload 
to the box via a dial-in modem connect.

Never figured out why.

But this was a year ago. So, try it out. They probably enhanced the
thing. I remember it could only do one thing, not different things
depending on how often you press the trigger.


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