Hello all,

        I know that people are always asking questions about how to
install StarOffice, but I couldn't find an answer in the archives about
this.  I recently downloaded and successfully installed StarOffice 5.0,
except when I try to do the online registration, it fails for some
reason.  The failure is odd, because I see the webpage that says "Thank
you for joining StarDivision" and whatever, and I get the Registration key
by email, but I am not allowed to activate the key -- the program keeps
that button ghosted.  It seems that the online part of the registration
process was successful and there is something wrong with the program.  Any
ideas?  I just upgraded successfully to Slink in the hopes that it would
solve the problem, with no luck.  Thanks for your help.



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    /        \       Steve Beitzel
   /  /\  /\  \      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  /   \/  \/   \     http://www.iit.edu/~beitste
 /      /\      \    ICQ#: 19510745
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