Hi, Steve!

If the registration button is ghosted, I think the registration is OK. Maybe
this is doen automagically if you do an online registration. You get the reg.
key by email in fact you need to reinstall for some reason. Maybe?

just my 2¢...

Wed, 11 Nov Steve Beitzel wrote:
> Hello all,
>       I know that people are always asking questions about how to
> install StarOffice, but I couldn't find an answer in the archives about
> this.  I recently downloaded and successfully installed StarOffice 5.0,
> except when I try to do the online registration, it fails for some
> reason.  The failure is odd, because I see the webpage that says "Thank
> you for joining StarDivision" and whatever, and I get the Registration key
> by email, but I am not allowed to activate the key -- the program keeps
> that button ghosted.  It seems that the online part of the registration
> process was successful and there is something wrong with the program.  Any
Åsmund Ødegård
Stipendiat Teknisk programvare
Inst. for Informatikk, Universitetet i Oslo
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- url: http://www.ifi.uio.no/~aasmundo

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