If you choose the ISDN router take a look at the Symplex RO-1:

Works well for me on Debian, Redhat & SuSE boxes.  All are
networked through an ethernet switch and connected to the
outside world via the Symplex RO-1 (even have a couple of
WindowsNT boxes on the network using the RO-1 as well).

You don't need any special ISDN settings in the kernel -- just
regular plain old ethernet.  Setup your default gateway to
be the Symplex.  It has its own IP address on one side and
an ISP supplied IP address (can be dynamic) on the otherside
and routes packets to/from those addresses.  Its really pretty


At 08:26 PM 10/25/98 +0000, Steven Udell wrote:
>I need advice on what ISDN adapter to get.
>I have looked at the:
>3comImpact IQ (serial) "modem" external device..
>But am concerned about the limit of 115K speed on the serial port.
>And people say its just a toy..not a solid ISDN choice..(250.00 cost too)
>I have also looked at the:
>Cisco 766 or 776 ISDN router external. (quite expensive)
>One has just one eth port and the other has an intergrated 4 port 10baseT
>On this one how well it would work with Linux. Connected to my Eth card
>in my Linux box, would it use diald ? .. Would I compile the linux kernel
>with ISDN support for this? 
>Or should I go with a lower cost(most likely) ISDN adapter card..
>I don't know which way I should go.. I will need it networked  &
>I need a analog phone port for a fax & voice phone. I wouldn't mind
>useing the Linux kernels ISDN function either.. ;) But what should
>I look at..in terms of Adapter cards..suggestions?
>Steve Udell
>10 more days till the ISDN wireing is in ....
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