In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 10/09/98 
   at 04:36 PM, Martin Oldfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>>>>>> "Alex" == Alex Yukhimets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>    Alex> Debian is not a company to "sign up with". You can use
>    Alex> Oracle on Debian with no problems whatsoever. It is even
>    Alex> distributed in plain tarballs and not rpms. You can download
>    Alex> it right now, if you want.

>Personally I think that this misses the point. If Oracle support RedHat
>and I can just get the software and install it then it's a much  more
>attractive proposition than having to install tarballs on Debian. Is it
>too much to hope that Debian's supposedly superior technology would
>persuade Oracle to release their software in a .deb ?

And if they won't take the "trouble" of making a .deb, maybe
someone interested can offer to make the .deb for them?  Or
supply a script that does the job?


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