>X on a 386? *laff* Don't bother. I've been there, done that, as the
>saying goes. However, if you really enjoy pain that much, try using
>the most generic settings: SVGA driver at 640x480 resoltion. Make
>sure you look at the README file for your video card.. Start your
>machine again without trying to use X, then as root, use XF86Setup
>Make sure you read all the screens carefully, as there are many subtle
>things one could easily overlook.
>FYI, when I tried running Netscape on my 386 with 8M RAM (30M swap),
>it locked up my machine every time. you've been warned.
> - DeJay.
Well, I've been using X for almost a year (RedHat 5) and it was not so
painful (20 MB RAM, 98 Swap) as you say, sometines it is slow, but I can
work perfectly well, and Netscape loads very slowly, but after that it is
quite quick.