X on a 386? *laff* Don't bother. I've been there, done that, as the saying goes. However, if you really enjoy pain that much, try using the most generic settings: SVGA driver at 640x480 resoltion. Make sure you look at the README file for your video card.. Start your machine again without trying to use X, then as root, use XF86Setup Make sure you read all the screens carefully, as there are many subtle things one could easily overlook. FYI, when I tried running Netscape on my 386 with 8M RAM (30M swap), it locked up my machine every time. you've been warned.
- DeJay. On Wed, 7 Oct 1998, Rodrigo Moya wrote: > Hi all!!! > > I just installed Debian 2.0 in a 386 machine, during configuration of > packages, I was asked if I wanted to create the XF86Config file, I said > 'yes' and after specifying my card, mouse, etc, it tried to switch to > graphics mode. All the screen went blank, so I had to reboot. Now, how can I > continue the setup (not only X setup) process from the point it stopped > (well, I stopped), since X is not configured yet. I am sure I put the > correct settings (Oak (Generic) monitor, microsoft mouse, Extender Super VGA > 800x600, spanish keyboard layout...), so what happened? > > Thanks > > > -- > Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null > _________ / Bedrock \__________________________ | http://bedrock.dyn.ml.org/dejay | | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | |_____________________________________|