Well, not knowing any better, I fixed it by uninstalling my header and
source packages (2.0.33), reinstalling the libc6-dev package, and then
installing bin86 and the 2.0.34 source and header packages.

This left the usr/include directories (asm, linux, scsi) NOT set up as
links. This is contrary to the source documentation, but agrees with the
Debian licb6-dev document that Bob mentioned. 

The configure and compile then went without a hitch, and "make zImage"
left the kernel image file (278k)in arch/i386/boot as expected. It also
left a file called vmlinux of about 680k in /usr/src/linux. I don't know
the purpose of that file. 

Lilo didn't complain, and the 2.0.34 kernel boots and runs with no
problems - and it seems faster (my imagination maybe). Thanks for all
the help - it feels good!


Tom Pfeifer wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a fairly new Linux user, and am really starting to enjoy Linux and
> the Debian distribution. I'm running Hamm which I have downloaded and
> installed in bits and pieces with the help of dftp and dpkg. I also have
> the KDE beta4 desktop, the glib version of Communicator 4.05, and the
> Tkdesk file manager. I'm impressed - not bad at all!
> Anyway, I'm trying to learn how to configure and compile the kernel. I
> have the 2.0.33 kernel source and header packages properly installed
> (dpkg is happy anyway), and the /usr/include links set up correctly as
> stated in the source documentation. I then do the following:
> cd /usr/src/linux
> make mrproper
> make xconfig  (then configure, save, and exit)
> make dep
> make clean
> make zImage
> The compile proceeds for a few minutes, and then exits with these lines:
> as86 -0 -a -o bootsect.o bootsect.s
> make[1]: as86 Command not found
> make[1]: *** [bootsect.o] Error 127
> make[1]: Leaving directory 'usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.33/arch/i386/boot'
> make: *** [zImage] Error 2
> It does leave a vmlinuz image file in /usr/src/linux which is about the
> same size as my current kernel, but when I install it in /boot and run
> lilo, it complains about "kernel image too large", or similar words. I
> restored the original so it's no problem as far as running, but does
> anyone have an idea what the problem might be, or where to read up on
> it?
> Will appreciate any help. Thanks
> Tom
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