Hi all

Have installed a BOCA 56K Internet Modem. When downloading from Win95 i normally
get a speed of 4.5-5.2 Kb/s but with Linux (hamm) only 2.5-3.0 Kb/s.
When running Win95 the RD led is glowing almost all the time. 
With Linux the led is often blinking and is black for longer periods < 10 sec.
Recording the download in 2 sec intervall indicates max speeds of upp to
5.0 Kb/s even with Linux.
As I understand it is the breaks during downloading that givs a low overall fi-
gure. Is it my computer, the line or the ftp that causes the breaks. The line,
ftp and the file are the same and the diff in time is ~ 10 - 15 min which I 
assume have a minor influence sinc tests have bin done several times always with
the same result. Remains the difference i OS. I assume that this can bee fixed
som way or another but dont know how.

Does anybody know how to fix this or where to find articles about modems in
combination whith Linux and Internet?

Sture Palminger   


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Date: 19-Jun-98
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