Damon Muller wrote:
> G'day,
> > Possible error sources are :
> >               -the partition was never made a vfat partition by
> >                 Windows95, but is still a fat partition
> Sort of don't think this would be it, as it had files with long file
> names in it. I don't think that is possible under FAT.

umm you can't use windows 95 without at least also using VFAT because
VFAT is simplly FAT with a few extra tricks. Either he is referring
to FAT32 which is in compatable with the previous fats, or he doesn't
known the differenece.

> >               -your kernel does not support the vfat fs
> > Try mounting it as a fat partition or check whether your kernel supports 
> > vfat.

> I seem to recall that vfat sort of needed fat to work (tho my memory
> could be failing me...), would it matter if vfat was a module, and fat
> was compiled into the kernel? More to the point, if it was compiled 
yep.  There is a common fat module for both ms-dos and vfat fats.
as to being a module. No difference, get make sure your using 
kerneld or mount it manually.


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