On Mon, 1 Jun 1998, Damon Muller wrote:

: Hi Folks,
: Just got around to installing Bo on my old Pentium 150, and it's pretty
: much working (give or take a few minor issues...)
: One thing has got me a little cofused, and maybe it's me doing something
: wrong (prolly is)... I have a 1.2G drive in it which was formated as FAT
: under NT4, and works quite nicely under Win95 as a VFAT drive. It works
: in this machine, because it was Win95 before it became Debian.
: I can't get this drive to mount, using the command below.
: rei# mount -t vfat /dev/hdc1 /mnt
: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc1,
:        or too many mounted file systems
: According to cfdisk, it is there, as shown below...
:     Name        Flags         Part Type      FS Type                  Size 
:                               Pri/Log        Free Space                    
:     /dev/hdc1                 Primary        Win95 Extended (LBA)       
I think this is fat32, not vfat.  AFAIK the 2.0.33 debian kernels have
the fat32 patch installed.  I've never used it myself bu I know others
on the list have.

Nathan Norman
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