
Has anyone ever been able to configure their Ensoniq Soundscape (yes,
it is fairly old) card to work on Linux?  I can't seem to get anything out
of my sound card.
Basically I've been trying to use isapnp to initialize my card, otherwise
I would have to initialize it from DOS (ugh).  Here is my /etc/isapnp.conf

(CONFIGURE ENS3081/xxxxxxxx (LD 0 (IO 0 (BASE 0x330)) (INT 0 (IRQ 9 (MODE
+E))) (ACT Y)))

I removed my cards serial number from the above for this e-mail.  In
addition, I compiled the Ensoniq Soundscape module with the same settings.
Normally I get some sort of "clicking" from my spreakers when my sound
card is initialized from DOS but I get no such response when initializing
in Linux.  Do I need MPU401, too?

Could someone please explain to me what I may be doing wrong?  I'm totally
new at isapnp, Linux sound and initrd stuff.

Other Problems I noticed
I installed the Debian xmcd and xmix packages but I initially couldn't run
them because the CD and mixer devices had 660 permissions.  After I
changed the permissions to 666, I could run them.  Is this a bug in hamm?

Ossama Othman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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