Hi, I am trying to disable remote xdm logins from terminals and from some remote xdm login widgets. I tried to modify the Xaccess file according to the docs and then restarting xdm but I still can't seem to get xdm to stop broadcasting to the rest of the machines on the same subnet that it is accepting xdm logins.
Could someone please explain how I can configure my debian system to stop accepting xdm logins from remote machines? Thanks. -Ossama ______________________________________________________________________ Ossama Othman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- PGP Keys --- Public: http://astrosun.tn.cornell.edu/staff/othman/OO_PUBLIC.asc REVOKED: http://astrosun.tn.cornell.edu/staff/othman/OO_REVOKED.asc -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .