I feel so bad, i make a foolish thing to my girlfriend, and all is going down all the relation ship, i want to fix it but i can talk to her i don4t know whats happen.
Disfruta la vida con alegria,vive con intensidad, sientela como si hoy fuera tu ultimo dia aqui en la tierra, si quieres ha alguien dicelo hoy, y sobre todo nunca te olvides de quererte a ti mismo,. !Que viva el Rock and Roll! Miguel Angel Padilla Covarrubias _.-~~-.__ _-~ _-=-_ ''-,, ('___ ~~~ 0 ~''-_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, \~~~~~~--' '''''''--,,,, ~`-,_ () by MAPC '''',,, '-,_ \ / '', _~/| ,. \||/~--\ \_________ / /______...---. ; / \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ )~~------~`~~~~~~~~~~~( /---- /,'/ / | - / / \ \ /;/ / / - / / / \ /;/ / -. / __.---/ \__ /, /| |:| \ \ /_.~`-----~ \. \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~`---\\\\ \---__ \:\ / / `\\\` ' \\' ' --\'\, / / '\, ~-_'''" -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .