On Wed, 18 Feb 1998, Bill Leach wrote:

> Maybe someone can confirm this for certain but isn't this exactly the
> sort of thing that "rawwrite.exe" does?  If that is the case, then you
> can copy the files "in specified sized pieces" and then use either
> rawwrite on the target machine under DOS or dd under Linux (if dd is in
> the base system).

I don't think that this is really what rawwrite is ment for. It provides a
method to circumvent DOS' filesystem interface. That way you can write
something (ie. a linux kernel) to the bootsector part of a floppy.
If you write a .deb to diskette in "raw" format, how do you plan to get it
off later?
> > I have installed Debian Linux on a PC that does not have a modem and
> > is not on a LAN,  using floppy disks I created on my PC with a modem. 
> > How do I install packages via floppy disks that are larger than
> > 1.44MB?  Is there a DOS utility that I can use to split these files
> > across several disks?  Thanks.

Go to www.digital.altavista.com and search for "sploiner" It does exactly
what you want and also provides some nice redundancy options - saves the
day when you put netscape.tar.gz on a gazillion 720Kb floppies and one
turns out to be slightly defective when you come home.



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