On 17 Feb 1998, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

>                   Advantages of using make-kpkg
>                   ---------- -- ----- ---------
>       I have been asked several times about the advantages of using
>  the kernel-package package over the traditional Linux way of hand
>  compiling kernels, and I have come up with this list. This is off the
>  top of my head, I'm sure to have missed points yet. Any additions
>  welcomed.

<snipped for brevity sake>

All very good points except alot of people including myself prefer
compiling their own kernels for various reasons. But at the same time run
into packages that "require" the debian package version even though you
have same or newer self compiled kernel installed. Not to mention that I
personally run devel kernels for various reasons.

Bill West
Houston TX
Linux = The choice of a GNU generation
There are two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who take the
credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less competition there.
                                              -Indira Gandhi-

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