Support wrote:
> Yes folks its true I am not a LINUX guru, never claimed to be.. just
> installed the 2.0.33 and poof! there went the system.. lost all of my
> Modules every one of them had "unresolved symbols" in them.. put the old
> kernel back on and it works...
> the question is maybe its my compiler?? can somone send me the ip_alias.o
> (2.0.30/ipv4/) module that doesent take a dump?? IE keep giving me
> Unresolved symbols error????
> will that work? I really appreciate the help I have gotten so far on this
> problem  I have learned alot of stuff about linux along the way (today
> especially)!

Did you run depmod -a after booting your new kernel?  Did you use the
Its very nice.  If the old kernel works possibly the old modules are
still in place.

Hope this helps.

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