Moved to debian-user.

On Tue, 27 Jan 1998, Will Lowe wrote:

> I'm trying to convince the sysadmins at my university to install ssh and
> run sshd on the main network,  but they claim it isn't much more secure
> because you can avoid sending passwords by using rsh and can do x
> forwarding with xrsh.

Quite plainly rsh and company depend on the security of the individual
machines. If any one machine is broken into then that person can rsh to
every other machine on campus.

With ssh you arrange for cryptographic authentication between two
untrusting hosts on a per user basis. Each user lists their own public
keys in their allow file and can then put their password into one machine
and magically be authenticateable on all other machines.

The big benifit with ssh is that it can allow an untrusted host (ie your
machine on PPP) to connect to any of their servers without the hassle of


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