I also agree think we should stick with a single list. Though I still ask more questions than I am able to completely answer, I do often at least attempt an answer and sometimes can give fairly helpful responses. In addition to the we-were-all-newbies-once argument I would like to point out that it can take a quite a bit of work to really learn your way around Debian/linux in general. It is expected (or was until the inception of Debian and similar systems) that the average member of the community can compile code on their own, spot problems (especially common ones), deal with the fact that few companies provide drivers for linux, etc. Certainly more than must be done under Win95. Traditionally, much of this information has been handed along personally in academic or occupational environments, but many modern user don't have these avenues open to them.
On Tue, 13 Jan 1998, smorrill wrote: > Here, Here!! I for one would ask that we not divide the list.... I > picked Debian as my first try with Linux after looking at all the > distributions. I probably jumped in over my head (as you can tell from > the questions I post... :-) everything I read said Debian was not the > best choice for a newbie to start with. I have always been impressed > with the amount of support for Debian, and for that reason, this is the > path I took. > > I would hope someday to be in the position to "pass it on" and help > others out. > > Sometimes when I'm going over the list I find answers to other questions > that I had, somebody else just happened to ask them before I did! I > always manage to learn something here, even reading the more advanced > stuff... If I ever get my act together, maybe someday I'll even try to > take on the maintenance of a Debian package... > > -- > Steve Morrill > > > Reply to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > PGP Pub key id: 0xF2459FCD > Debian LINUX.... Where I really want to go today! > > > > -- > TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to > [EMAIL PROTECTED] . > Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . > > -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .