I'm having trouble with nis and shadow files on my bo system.  The system
works fine when I don't have shadow installed on the server, but breaks
when I enable shadow.  I enable shadow on the server, modify the Makefile
to generate a shadow map and then it compiles it but when I do a ypcat,
the shadow map doesn't show up.

Am i missing something?

music# ypcat -x
Use "passwd" for "passwd.byname"
Use "group" for "group.byname"
Use "networks" for "networks.byaddr"
Use "hosts" for "hosts.byname"
Use "protocols" for "protocols.bynumber"
Use "services" for "services.byname"
Use "aliases" for "mail.aliases"
Use "ethers" for "ethers.byname"
music# ls
group.bygid       netgroup.byhost      passwd.byname        rpc.bynumber
group.byname      netgroup.byuser      passwd.byuid
hosts.byaddr      netid.byname  protocols.byname    shadow.byname
hosts.byname      networks.byaddr      protocols.bynumber  ypservers
netgroup     networks.byname rpc.byname

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