On Wed, 14 Jan 1998, Rick Jones wrote:

> Orn E. Hansen wrote:
> >   No, Windows is not an interface... and it's a lot more than just a GUI, 
> > it's
> > an operating system as well (as of Win95, WinNT).
>       The box that you buy when you buy Windoze 95 contains an operating
> system which is called Windows 95.  That box contains MSDOS 7.0 and
> Windows GUI.  Most ppl refer to the GUI as the whole enchalada, thus a
> GUI OS but that is not the case.  MS just packaged the 2 together and
> called them Windows 95 OS.


>       Just examine the startup sequence or go to MS's web site and get the
> toys package that has a control panel addition which gives you several
> options about the hidden functions, one of wich allows you to boot into
> GUI or DOS prompt.

Yes, and the functions are not really hidden, they're just not documented. 
But heck, what _is_ documented in Win95? The "trouble shooting" help
doesn't get you far beyond "is the printer switched on?" and "check that
the cable is plugged in".

>       Additionally if it was the OS there wouldn't be an option in the
> preferences of a DOS program to "hide" windows from DOS programs nor the
> need to "reboot into DOS" for other programs.

And those are the options you don't have on aa WinNT system. WinNT is an

> >   And that's right, you need to compare X+Window manager, not just X which 
> > was
> > the issue.
> True.  Because of the way Windoze is programmed.  Otherwise you can
> benchmark X without a window manager.  But Windoze won't run without
> it's window manager counterpart "Explorer" since there is no way to run
> programs without it.

Well, I have seen Win95 boxes where the explorer took very long to start
up, probably due to network problems. I noticed that, before the explorer
is started, Ctrl-Esc works like in Win3.x and gives you the task manager
which lets you run any program (including exporer, which can be very
convenient if you're having problems).

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