This problem existed before that line was entered...

The PPP Howto seemed to mention this might fix it.  However all it
seems to do is prolong how long I will wait for the return LCP echo. 
However, it never comes.  I have tried this with both Earthlink and and it happens with both of them.  IBM actually had Linux PPP
scripts on its site and I used those instead of my typical ppp-chat,
ppp-connect scripts.  Someone mentioned earlier that the routers at
the ISP might not return echos and this may be unavoidable, but I have
a difficult time believing that this same thing is happening at two
National ISPs.

I have a feeling this is the cause of my modem.  It is a cheap
internal 33.6 modem that I bought from MicroTime, Inc.  I couldn't
find a MFG name for it but it uses Cirrus Logic chips.  It is a PnP
modem, but can be set up by changing jumpers to be a standard modem. 
(I have yet to try this).  The manual (small as it is) mentions AT
commands, but never mentions a preferred initialization string.  I
believe it to be Hayes compatible but I think the current settings are
causing communication between Linux and the ISP to be difficult.  It
works fine under Win95 and WinNT.   So, I am somewhat baffled.  I
appreciate your help and hope maybe someone can help me find a
solution to this...

Thanks, Bill

---"Jens B. Jorgensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To quote from the pppd man page:
>        lcp-echo-failure <n>
>               If this option is given, pppd will presume the peer
>               to be dead if n LCP echo-requests are sent  without
>               receiving a valid LCP echo-reply.  If this happens,
>               pppd will terminate the connection.   Use  of  this
>               option  requires a non-zero value for the lcp-echo-
>               interval parameter.  This option  can  be  used  to
>               enable pppd to terminate after the physical connecĀ­
>               tion has been broken (e.g., the modem has hung  up)
>               in situations where no hardware modem control lines
>               are available.
> ie. remove this option from your /etc/ppp/options file and this
problem will
> go away.
> Fabio Olive Leite wrote:
> >
> > Hi there,
> >
> > > However, I get the LCP problem where they are being sent but not
> > > received.  I put LCP-MAX-CONFIGURE 30 in my options file and have
> > > upped it all the way to 150, but I still don't get any LCP's
> > >  Finally after 30 - 60 seconds the modem simply hangs up...
> >
> > I've seen this on a local ISP, apparently their router doesn't
care about
> > responding to echo requests, and it looks like pppd doesn't like
it. I've
> > read every man pages and HOWTOs about it, but did not find a way
to tell
> > pppd not to care about echo requests...
> >
> > It seems all we can do is switch ISPs in this case. I hope someone
> > prove me wrong on this and tell us how can it be done!
> --
> Jens B. Jorgensen
> --
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