Bill Vinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have Debian Linux 1.3, and I have set up ppp to the best of my
> abilities, however when I logon Earthlink Networks accepts my username
> and password and the debug says that the connection is beginning:
> ppp0 ---> ttyS1
> However, I get the LCP problem where they are being sent but not
> received.  I put LCP-MAX-CONFIGURE 30 in my options file and have
> upped it all the way to 150, but I still don't get any LCP's received.
>  Finally after 30 - 60 seconds the modem simply hangs up...
> Any ideas what I can do?

What does your /etc/ppp.chatscript look like?  It may be that you
aren't logging on completely before pppd is trying to do its stuff.

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