Actually, it DOES fall under the USC 1341 section because it asks you to
send cash through the mail. The "how" of causing it is irrelevant (and
that's how they get these guys who do this)... Also, the law on
junk-faxes actually defines a junk fax as unwanted information sent via
electronic means - the companies spamming us are trying to get it
defined as sent from paper to paper only and not mail that's totally

> > The word from the US Postal Service is: According to 18 USC sec 1302
> > (the Postal Lottery Laws always quoted in these letters) , if the
> letter
> > asks you to send money someplace and says that you'll make a big
> return
> > on it by forwarding the letter, it's illegal. Doesn't matter if
> there's
> > a product for sale or not - if it asks you to send money and
> promises
> > you'll get money back it'll illegal. Also, if it's a "send a
> postcard
> > and you'll get back a thousand postcards" it's legal (no $$$
> changing
> > hands and a postcard has no real value according to law). 18 USC
> 1341
> > (or 1342 - I can't remember) says that causing this mail to be sent
> is
> > illegal - you don't have to send it yourself... Fines range from
> $1000
> > to $1,000,000 and jail time from 30 days to 30 years.
> > 
>  the problem is the postal service laws have no sway on electronic
> mail and
> this kind of message is currently totally legal :(
> there are moves to make the junk-fax law cover e-mail as well but the
> companies that use spam-email (like are fighting
> against it
> with lobbyists, trying to pass other laws that would only curb
> spam-email at
> the cost of the ISP and therefore the users who want ot be protected
> from
> it.
>            G'razel the shifty kitty
>      Tapestries FurryMUCK SPR Furtoonia
> To err is human,
> To purr feline.
>                 -- Robert Byrne
> --
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