On Fri, 28 Nov 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  A fried cpu is not always just dead. I've seen one that made funny things 
> with
>  interrupts, and that was hard to diagnose. 

This is why I always put heatsink goop on the chip, without it the
heatsink/fan doesn't do much. The problems you can get from an overheating
processor are varied and can be quite subtle. I'd rather not have some odd
problem because someone decided 0.10$ worth of thermal compound was too
much trouble.

Basically, if the tempurature of your chip is higher than the tempurature
of the heat sink you are in trouble. I've seen heat sinks with what
appears to be ductape on the bottom (It isn't though) and that doesn't
seem to do much of anything.

Be sure to realize that some Pentium chips dissapate ~20 watts of power,
that's ALOT of heat, the chip can go from room tempurature to untouchably
hot in about 20 seconds! If you have a Cyrix chip then be sure to use
set6x86 to enable the power saving mode, it will keep the chip cooler than
a Pentium if your machine is mostly idle.


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