I run Win95 and Linux 2.0.29 off separate hard drives
running off an AMD K6 platform.  Win95 uses a
Plug-and-Play modem from Computer Peripherals, Inc.
(a ViVa 56LC-SM).  Linux, however, cannot dial out
on this device; in fact, cu/kermit cannot even connect
to the device.

I have verified with setserial, /proc/interrupts, minicom,
and my BIOS configuration that IRQs and other system
parameters are reasonably set.

The Serial-HOWTO indicates that PnP modems are
*not* recommended, but that people are known to
have got them working.

If so, how?  I have David Howell's pnp module/driver
software, but I'm reluctant to install and use it.  Does
anyone have hard evidence that a ViVa 56LC-SM will
work under Linux?


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